Limited edition prints; works on paper escapades


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Coexist ,drypoint 2012

Coexist 2012


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..this weeks drypoints; quite smallish ..not sure if ill add anything else..more later


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other selves ...again

other selves... drypoint

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other selves... drypoint & drawing experiment

home round etchings

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Another good  day playing on the press...round etchings made from old plates some collage a bit of drypoint
Maybe ill use some for the next show...need to print some more


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At home having fun with drypoints - press is full of cobwebs literally...but it still works!

Alchemy of Inspiration | The Mind’s Lovers

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know your blows....... blow your nose

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spoonerisms inspire me when i am thinking in pictures sometimes..heres some more..
..a half-warmed fish...a half - formed wish
...tease my ears...ease my tears
......its roaring with pain...its pouring with rain

Where space is, there is being

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All this cutting over the winter has kept me busy.. Some of my collage, that may become prints.
 Preparing for linocuts but i think etching??


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Colour is back

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...  i have been enjoying painting with water colours & inks (onto this etching) this week. Quite nice actually. Shame i can't paint faster though..So i might send this one off to the Portugal print show...Its about 24.5 x 30 cm.

more prints for southern circles

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SS is an exchange with Impress Printmakers in Brisbane & Hunter Island Press in Tasmania curated by Pat Zuber. The show was successfully exhibited at Church Studio & travels to Brisbane possibly at the end of June ( details to follow). I had made monoprints but can submit some more works so i have these digital ones in mind.  


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I am slowly keeping the panic at bay whilst  preparing for my exhibition but i feel like  i have a lot to do for the joy of a week show.  I still feel the need to use the materials i have rather than purchase more; as a result i have been into collage... Oh well back to it then!

Valley rant

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The valley mall in Brisbane is a bit of an eyesore, tired and stubborn engulfed in an island of traffic it is a spot for passing through except on weekends when you can browse the markets.  Being the den of all things questionable (in Brisbane) much of the edges of decay are eased as the night encloses it. Night becomes it; you use other senses and all is well again.
Being  there in the day however and you  look but dont look at the people; a ramshackle collective that is mixed with the everpresent pigeon's and a few police vehicles. Why do they park there? do they expect a riot to break out at any moment? 
I hate the frock shops i wish there was a book store again and a decent coffee shop that actually has ceramic cups! Mollinos is ok but like the valley tired and out for the count. I expect the whole place will be bulldozed as soon as the developers get crafty but we will see..
Yesterday we (felix & i) walked to the valley to search for opshop treasures in between purchasing fruit & veg. We didnt find any treats but decided to go to the IMA thats the institute of modern art to see if there was any exhibitions on..and yes a very interesting and according to Felix a bootiful one. He would know as the works on display look alot like things he'd put together and thats not denigrating the artist at all.
There is a time in the immersion of art making/doing/thinking when you have to be pre constructed...ahh before growing into the worlds rules.. Anyway the exhibition of works were quite good & not as annoying as some of the shows they have there... If an alien really wanted to probe human beings to know what humans are like they would go to a contemporary art exhibition; upon which they would go away very far very fast  never to return to earth. Read about Mkala Dwyer  & also below from IMA site. I love her work do you?

In the 1990s, Sydney artist Mikala Dwyer became famous for creating playful installations that provocatively conflated pedigreed modern art with the amateur, the infantile, and the feminine. Since her 2000 retrospective at Sydney's Museum of Contemporary Art, her works have moved off in a new direction, increasingly mining the irrational, the paranormal, the occult. Dwyer has convened circles of anthropomorphic, totemic objects, suggesting seances and covens; has toyed with black-arts paraphernalia, including candles and Ouija boards; has employed palm readers and clairvoyants to serve gallerygoers; has made art professionals dress up as crystals; and has collaborated with neodadaist Justene Williams to channel spirits of female convicts of yesteryear. For Dwyer, it is always about the return-of-the-repressed. As much as formalism seeks to drive out the amateur, the infantile, the feminine, and the irrational, in her work they always come back to haunt it. Dwyer is represented by Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery, Sydney; Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne; Hamish McKay Gallery, Wellington; and Hamish Morrison Galerie, Berlin.

things to do:still time

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..still time..

What a tedious month goodbye January and almost February... Still i am hopeful and thinking about the years possibilities.. i have alot of expectations for the year as I'm sure a lot of you have also. I realised the other day that my head literally buzzes with an annoying noisy i went and found somewhere silent to sit for a while..
So one thing on me list of possibilities was a solo exhibition and at the minute i am preparing for this one whole much drama for one whole week. ..but fun!
I am being frugal & using materials i have acquired and also sourcing odd bits of stuff..
So far i have collected wood, card, paper, leather and my favourite items plastic coat hangers from the department stores here..particularly the ones used for children's clothes..i love collars as well so i have cut up some old shirts...
The exhibition itself is a disparate collection of me & these things..a big experiment of these wonders and lots of paper in various forms.. not a lot of prints though

So in earnest I went into the studio to do some more mono prints; actually i didn't have a plan & after not much sleep i sat thinking about what to do for a time staring into space. I didn't even drink coffee; i thought maybe i should take up running...some physical non thinking activity..?

The other item from "the list in my mind" was to improve my diet and perhaps take supplements too so i can be a happy little Vegemite.. I bought Spirulina and Q10; as yet i cannot judge  whether  these are either good or bad.
Now i must sleep get into it again; for tomorrow days are shorter so if you are near please come to my opening fri march 16th..Ill have prints, some books, drawings and random wall assortments (the uncollectables)

new collage

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HNY.Heres to more stuff happening in 2012!First studio visit of the year & it feels good..I did some monoprints using stencils trying to see what would happen.. Bits n bobs...i dont kknow